Professional Dog Poop Cleanup
in Middlesex County, New Jersey
Weekly cleanups starting at $17.32 per cleanup
Winter is here. Let us handle cleaning up after your dog so you don't have to brave the cold weather.
Sign up, make changes and pay online with our client portal
Equipment disinfected for you and your pet's safety
One-time, weekly, or monthly cleanup options and flexible scheduling
Sign up for weekly cleanups and get 50% off your first month with code 'TRY50'!
On the way & finished cleanup notifications with secured gate photo
No commitments or contracts, cancel anytime
Marked vehicle and uniformed staff for your peace of mind
Why is it important to have your yard scooped regularly?
Dog poop can contain harmful bacteria, parasites, and viruses that can make people sick, especially children.
Dog poop is bad for the environment. It can contaminate water sources when washed away by rain.
Dog poop can carry dangerous bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella, and parasites like roundworms and Giardia, which can be passed on to people if they come into contact with it. It can also carry canine parvovirus which is dangerous to dogs.
Dog poop makes weeds grow and will ruin and kill grass over time if left to sit, leaving your lawn full of dead spots.
Dog poop attracts mice, fleas, and flies to your yard which can end up in your home.
The longer you let dog poop pile up in your yard, the more likely it is for these things to happen, and the more likely it is you, your children and your dog will step in it and bring it into the house.
...and finally, because it's POOP!

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